Taxpayers Abroad Can File Their Tax Returns For The First Time
The latest scheme that the IRS has come up with is to allow tax payers the opportunity to file their reports and returns for the year in an automatic extension. It is true that there are no written rules that state the taxpayers can request an automatic extension to their reports, but it is generally looked upon as a very good option. Now, it must be understood that this scheme does not work for every taxpayer. There are a few other conditions that are necessary in order for you to be able to file your income tax return or report worldwide under this scheme.
If you are a taxpayer who is a legal permanent resident of the USA, you may qualify for the opportunity of an automatic extension to your income tax return. In order to check your eligibility, you should contact the Social Security Administration. If you are a taxpayer residing in one of the 50 United States, you may also qualify for the opportunity of an automatic extension to your report. The same applies to those citizens of Canada who are also legally entitled to receive a report under section 761 of the Income Tax Act. There are several requirements that have to be met in order to file your tax return for the year in an automatic extension.
Taxpayers who are members of the FEDIC permanently and who are not resident aliens living abroad may qualify for an exception to the default rule. In order to find out whether you qualify for an exception, you should contact the Social Security Administration. There are some simple rules that have to be followed if you are a member of the FEDIC and wish to file your tax returns for the year in an FEDIC-approved manner. The first thing that has to be done is to confirm that you meet the requirements of section 1040(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. If you are unable to convince the SSA that you meet the minimum requirements, then you will not be able to apply for an exception to the default rule. If you are able to meet all the requirements, then you can file your tax returns for the year without any difficulty.