The EPC and Its Importance
Agricultural Information Worldwide is an authoritative reference source for scientific, technical and economic information on the world’s food-producing areas and their corresponding agricultural products and services. It provides a portal through which to obtain and evaluate data, both verified and unverified. It covers almost all agricultural production areas such as production of fresh foods, livestock, agriculture, forestry, fishing, horticulture, small-scale farming, and the production of perishable goods. The book contains concise descriptions of the key stages in the development of a food crop, the development of crops in different parts of the world, yield tables, statistical analysis, and an index of related publications. Some of its most useful chapters are ” Agriculture: An International Perspective ” Agriculture Research Reviews.” This book is available from the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Agriculture Research Service – Economic Research Service (ARES-E), Agriculture Research Service – Knowledge Translation Service (ARS-KTS), and the National Agriculture Data Collection Program (NADC).
Through this valuable information source, one can learn about food markets, agricultural policies, agricultural marketing programs, food markets and product markets, food habits and preferences, and food processing techniques, quality control, and price comparisons. Furthermore, the volume of food imported into the United States is constantly rising, and the United States is not able to meet the demand. The increasing import of food products has been accompanied by new policies and practices to deal with the influx of food imports, including measures to increase food safety, promote organic food production, reduce farm vulnerability to pests and diseases, improve farm financing, encourage the safe and efficient handling of food imports and exports, encourage farmers to use high-quality pesticides and fertilizers, and strengthen the nation’s agricultural base. These policies have helped stabilize the food market, but at the same time, they have also resulted in an increase in the cost of food for the consumer.
The EPC has developed a number of strategies to deal with these issues and to ensure the reliability of the data collected. For example, an international harmonization effort has been initiated to harmonize the definitions of food allergens in order to avoid the occurrence of cross-contamination when food is imported or exported from one country to another. Another important measure is that food importers are required to provide detailed information on the country of origin of the food and the production process. Such information would not have been available to the general consumer, if it were not for the EPC.